Friday, 10 May 2013

Aloe, Aloe, Aloe!

Sorry - couldn't resist the title!

I'm a huge fan of aloe vera - so much so I think my daughter has caught the bug as she now carries a tube of aloe gel around with her all the time and swears by it for numbing and healing the various cuts and sores she gets from her brace.

So when my nephew, who is probably the fussiest eater I know and part of the reason for me starting this blog and writing my book, had his tonsil removed and was in an awful amount of pain from it, I sent aloe to the rescue, which he said really helped until the pain subsided but at that point his gag reflex came back and he couldn't deal with the taste anymore.

In truth, however good it is for healing (and it is the best for sun burn) it does taste pretty rank.

Apparently, ice-cream is no longer recommended when tonsils are removed - it has something to do with dairy products being mucus inducing or something.  But ice-lollies and sorbets are still ok.

So, I set to and came up with this - dairy free but (apparently) very soothing

500ml hazelnut milk
100ml maple syrup
5 tablespoons dairy free dulce de lecce
200ml aloe vera juice

Simply whisk the ingredients together and either put them in an ice cream maker or put them in a plastic tub, large enough to be able to use an electric whisk in, and put it in the freezer. Leave for 30 minutes and then remove and with an electric whisk, whisk for about a minute.  Put it back in the freezer for a further 30 minutes and repeat.  After another 30 minutes, I added a couple of spoonfuls more of dulce de lecce and forked it through to give it a ripple effect.

This was very sweet but you couldn't taste the aloe at all.

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