I use
Maple syrup rather than honey in most of my recipes.
This isn’t just a personal preference (although I do prefer
maple syrup if using it in the raw). Maple syrup is actually better than honey for what I am trying to achieve!
Here goes with some science - for a starter, and I for one was quite
surprised by this, maple syrup is lower in calories than honey. It's quite a significant amount - over 10%!
Also the
carbohydrate content in maple syrup is primarily sucrose, which is a complex
sugar that your body breaks down into equal parts of fructose and glucose
whereas honey’s carbohydrate content is pretty much pure fructose and the
problem with that is that too much fructose is detrimental to heart and liver
Honey is however higher in
vitamin content but maple syrup is much better on mineral content. So I suppose that's a balancing act as to what you are trying to achieve.
On the whole, I tend towards maple
syrup as I don’t use it in my recipes for the "what is good for me" content. I use it as it adds
sweetness, so the concern for me is much more about avoiding what is bad for me.
One final thing to really keep in mind
is that you should never give honey to babies or to children with a vulnerable health profile due to
the risk of botulism. That's a risk you don't run with maple syrup. The botulism content of honey is very real - it isn't anywhere as insignificant as the risk of say salmonella with raw eggs.
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